Tap Away The Daily Stress!

with Kimberleigh Hagar, LCSW

Sunday, May 19th - 5:00 - 6:00 PM

EFT uses gentle acupressure to stimulate energy flow in the body and bring down the intensity of different unpleasant feelings. Expand your knowledge on how to control stress by learning:

  • What is tapping and how it works based on scientific research

  • How to use EFT in your daily lives

  • Tutorials and demos

  • And tips for troubleshooting and modifying for different stressors!

Come learn how you can use EFT to reduce the level of stress, worry, or overwhelm you may have from day to day with Kimberleigh!

Live Music and Flow

with Shayla & Tyler Lowry

Friday, May 24th - 5:30 - 6:30 PM

This will be a donation based class

Enjoy a special hour of vinyasa flow accompanied by live acoustic music!

Sun & Moon: An Explorative Yoga Practice

with Ben Kalra

Saturday, June 1st - 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM

We're excited to welcome a special guest teacher, Ben Kalra, for a 2-hour full practice experience that includes vinyasa, breathwork, inversions, meditation, and sound. This class will be explorative, yet grounded- using the practices of yoga to create space in the body and mind. Ben teaches from a unique lens by practicing many yoga paths including classical hatha, mobility, katonah, and traditional philosophy.

This workshop is open to all levels. Come with an explorative mindset and leave with inspiration for your practice!

Sound Bath Meditation

with Josie & G Waters

Sunday, June 16th - 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Flow Yoga Sound Bath Meditation

A sound bath is a deeply immersive full-body listening experience that uses sound to invite gentle yet powerful therapeutic and restorative processes to nurture your mind and body.

Studies have found that an hour long sound meditation helped reduce tension, anger, fatigue, anxiety, and depression, while increasing a sense of spiritual well-being. Additionally, sound meditations have been found to improve mobility, reduce muscle pain, and even decrease blood pressure.

Experience an amazing sound bath and healing meditation at Flow Yoga!